17 de marzo de 2018


Me encuentro constante
mente atrapado en mi 
mente. Siempre digo
luego, quizás, en otro mo
mento. Y miento. Porque callo
y las palabras se en
callan. En el pecho, en la garganta
en mis pensa

¿De qué sirve ser creativo
si luego todo queda guardado aquí
Veo pasar el día, contemplativo,
y veo que aquí
dentro tengo tanta
vida. Y miedo.
Miedo que frena a compartir la 
energía, positiva.

Y me canso, de callar.
Y la ansiedad no me deja

Me pregunto qué debo,
parar o continuar.
Y veo que ambos
se abrazan, porque debo
parar al miedo y
continuar la vida.
Callar los pensamientos y
sacar la parte creativa.

Y es que yo soy todo(s)
 los elementos:
el aire que late y aviva la llama
de fuego, que harde, que quema la
tierra, estable, tranquila, que busca
el agua que da la vida.

27 de enero de 2018

In Love with You

One week ago, while you were drunk and we were walking to your place, late, in the cold street, stepping on the snow. A week ago, while you were looking at me, stoned, I'm not sure anymore if it was because of the alcohol effects or because you, transparent, were showing me your feelings of admiration and love towards me.
That day, that night, you asked me if everything was well in relation to us.

" I don't understand" I said, confused. "It's all good. Don't you think everything is alright?"

You said yes, and something else. Then we met your mother the next day.

Now I'm here, asking to myself the same question you asked me. I feel I am a step behind. Maybe you are way more sensitive than I am. There is no Maybe. I'm sure you are.

"Is there something wrong in between us?" It is not the same question you asked me. You see, this is how we look upon things: you say "well", I say "wrong". I'm always stucking myself into negative stuff. 

But you... Oh... You.

You are The Purest thing. And I miss you so fucking much I can barely hold my tears.
I miss your smiley face and your voice. Your warm hugs and sweet kisses.

Can you see in my eyes the same feeling I see in yours? Because I didn't even know myself I was this In Love With You.

Everything you say is right. You will think "Nah" and if my Ego was there, it will probably think and say "Nah" too.

But you... you just go through it. You've just gone through everything on/ about me.
So naturally. So easily.

I'm scared. I'm terrified that you would just disappear.  That all of this will, all of a sudden, Stop. End. 

Maybe you deserve better. Maybe I didn't deserve so much unconditional kindness, help and love. Maybe I didn't work hard enough. Maybe is too late. Can I make it up for you?

Why is my mind tormenting me?

I wish tonight was that one Saturday night, when I texted you, called you, asked you where you are. Then I would dare to show how much I like you, invite you home and hold your arm. 
I wish tonight you were staying over one more time, so I could hug you and kiss you and tell you how amazing you are, how beautiful you are.
God, I wish there were more words to describe this feeling. It's never been so deep and real before. 

I admire you.  I adore you.  I love you.

You are the brightest Light.

Please come back, I feel lonely in the silent dark.